Face Reality Acne Chemical Peel in St. Louis, MO

One of our favorite chemical peels is the Face Reality acne chemical peel.  This peel uses one of our most sought after skincare lines Face Reality.  The process of this peel includes. 

Clear skin peel 1- Mild Acne peel. Blend of 5% TCA, l-mandelic acid, l-lactic acid, kojic acid, azeloglicina and brightenyl. Designed to exfoliate and rejuvenate acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation, and aging skin with a light concentration of acids and specialty ingredients.

Pefect chemical peel for any patient looking to improve their skin quality and performs very well in the reduction of acne.


Reduces acne breakouts 

Smooths out fine lines 

Corrects hyperpigmentation 

Book This Chemical Peel

The Face Reality Chemical Peel

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the downtime without active acids or retinol?

Typically 5-7 days depending on peel and skin type

How do I prepare before your treatment?

Stop retinal use 3-5 days before hand and use SPF daily

WillI peel/ shed layers?

No, We currently don’t care deep peels, so you may be dry or flaky but no shedding layers.

How long should I wait between each peel?

Typically 2-4 weeks depending on peel type and your esthetician's recommendations

What should I do for my post care after a peel?

No exfoliating acids 5-7 days, no working out for 24 hours, no makeup, no waxing, no lasers, wear spf daily