BBL Forever Clear Acne in St. Louis, MO
Forever Clear BBL is Sciton’s proprietary, broad-band light procedure for clear, healthy skin.
This pulsed-light device clears breakouts and stubborn acne with a blue light (420 nm) to target bacteria and yellow light to address post-acne redness.
The Process:
First, your skin is first treated with a blue BBL light to eliminate acne causing bacteria resting deep within your pores.
This is followed by a multi-pass approach where the skin is treated with a yellow BBL light to reduce inflammation and acne redness.
At the end of the treatment your esthetician can recommends any add ons or follow up recommendations to enchance your service or long term skin goals to maintain a clear healthy skin.

Benefits of BBL Forever
Kills P acne bacteria
Reduces inflamation instantly
Promotes healthier skin long term
Reduces the appearance of Post
Inflammatory Erythema (P.I.E.)
BBL Forever Clear
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe for all skin types?
This treatment is only safe for fitzpatrick skin types I-V
How do I prepare before the treatment?
No preparation needed prior to service
How long do I have to wait before the next BBL service?
Minimum of 2 weeks between services
Can I book this service if I am pregnant?
No, this service is not recommended for anyone who is pregnant.
How long does a BBL Forever Clear take?
The typical service takes 30 minutes, but pairs best with an acne peel which may increase the service time